Worship Services

10:00AM Worship (In-Person and Online)

Join us for a Sunday morning service filled with uplifting worship, preaching, and opportunities to connect with others. You are welcome to come as you are (we don’t have a dress code).

We gather for worship in our sanctuary, and the service is livestreamed to Facebook. Recordings for each service are available on YouTube as well.

We typically perform traditional music, with contemporary pieces mixed in on occasion. Our music team includes pianist Walker Rosier, and singers Nikki Shaffner, Stephen Crowell, and Gail Luckey.

All children are welcome to the worship service but we offer a nursery for children up to 3 years old. After worship, we provide snacks and refreshments and a space for fellowship.

Volunteering for Worship Services

We welcome anyone to assist with our worship services. Volunteering opportunities include reading scripture, greeting attendees, helping with communion, counting offering, working in the prayer room, or much more. We also welcome volunteers for special events and programs, such as VBS.

Volunteers seeking to participate in music are also invited to play at our church; whether you play an instrument or sing, we can find a spot for you. More information can be found by visiting our music ministries page here, or contacting us using the form below.

To find out more about volunteer opportunities, or offer your time, please use the contact form below.

Pastor Antoinette preaches during a worship service
Stephen Crowell prays in front of the congregation during a sunday worship service

Location and Parking

NEUMC is located at 4000 Hard Scrabble Road. Construction is currently taking place on the roads around our church, so please look out for the flags marking the entrance.

You may park in the front or rear parking lots; we have handicapped parking available. Spots closer to our entrance are available for guests, and for those using our prayer center.

Our sanctuary is located on the left side of our building, along with our offices and prayer center. Our education building hosts our Sunday School classes and is located on the right side of our building.

Special Services

We provide many different special services throughout the year.
Special services will be announced on our homepage, and can also be viewed on our calendar here.

Lenten Season

The season of Lent and Holy Week includes some of our most involved and powerful services.

Our Lenten season begins with the Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper, followed by Ash Wednesday. Throughout the rest of the season, we cover various topics related to Lent.

Our Lenten season ends with Holy Week. We begin the week by covering Palm Sunday during our worship service. Later in the week, we offer a Maundy Thursday service covering
the Last Supper.

In NEUMC tradition, our Good Friday service is planned and performed by our Youth Group, and is a very powerful and moving service to reflect on God’s sacrifice of His only son.

We end Holy Week with Easter Sunday, a delightful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. During Easter Sunday, we offer an early outdoor sunrise service with short devotionals and music. Later in the morning, we provide breakfast to our congregation and continue with our regular 10AM worship service. 


We begin our Advent season with Carols, Chrismons, and Cocoa, a Sunday evening gathering where we enjoy fellowship while decorating our sanctuary’s tree with Chrismons.

Throughout Advent, we host events to celebrate the miracle of Jesus’ birth. These events, such as the youth Christmas party, are announced on our homepage or on our calendar

Towards the end of the Advent season, we host a Longest Night service to remember those who have passed on throughout the year. The Longest Night service, also known as Blue Christmas, is hosted on the 21st every year.

Finally, we conclude the Christmas season with our Christmas Eve service. In our tradition, service attendees hold candles while the sanctuary lights are dimmed, and we sing “O Holy Night” as a congregation.

If Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, we will offer a Christmas morning service for 10AM worship.